Tuesday, June 16, 2015

10 Dimensions - Rambling on an odd thought

Are there ten dimensions? Knowing that time is relative, is time not a dimension but a coefficient of the x, y, and z locis.

Could an object reside in one to three times: Past, Present, and Future? A 2-dimensional object requires three points with x, y, and z coordinates. What if point 1 and point 2 are in the present and point 3 in the future? If so, for example, a 3-dimensional cube may have two corners in a space-future time, one corner in space-present time, and three corners in space-past time. Does that render the object invisible to the human eye because it's entirety is not occupying one space-time? Is Dark Matter something that spans across times, whilst the matter that makes up you and I exists in one time - my or your present?

3 points, any of which residing in Present, Past, Future, results in 10 possible dimensions (space-time relative of time).
  1. Past-Past-Past
  2. Present-Present-Present
  3. Future-Future-Future
  4. Past-Present-Future
  5. Past-Past-Present
  6. Past-Past-Future
  7. Present-Present-Past
  8. Present-Present-Future
  9. Future-Future-Past
  10. Future-Future-Present

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